A deep dive
This program will give you the experience of uncovering the many layers, that up until now, have been holding you back. No longer only skimming the surface of your problems. The Inner Quest guides you to release your blockages and stregthens you to create the life you've always wanted through self acknowledgement.
A Year long program provides the sapce for the deshackling and rebuilding. Preparing for a life well lived, with a game plan, a new way to honour yourself. A new way to find peace, Satisfaction and success, that feels easy and aligned.
During the first part of Inner quest, we dive deeply into healing past, stuck emotions, and restoring the love and the bonds with your family unit, within you. So you can feel free to step forward. You will get a more intimate connection with your dreams, and take notice of the messages your psyche is guiding you with, for even deeper healing.

The Inner Quest is for soul searchers and seekers. The women who want to do the deep dives, that are really ready to do the work and start creating the life they know deep down inside they were meant to be here to create. It's for women who are frustrated and stagnant and weighed down with suffering, who have tried dibbling and dabbling, and it hasn't got them the propel forward they are seeking.
With my years of experience and investment in you, combined with your dedication and commitment to your own growth, you will be transformed on a cellular level. This is only offered to those women who are ready and able to commit fully. If this sounds like you, then go ahead right now and book a call in with me.
Does this sound like you?
I feel like I'm fighting with life
It just seems like life is against me. No matter what I try, I find myself in the same holding pattern as I was a year ago. not progressing. In fact, I feel like I'm sinking.
I struggle with my past
I don't want to dwell on the past, because it makes me feel weak, but the truth is, I have some stuff that I haven't dealt with.
I work hard every day to keep my anxiety at bay
But the truth is I feel like a pressure cooker about to explode. I overthink all the time. My head is always busy. There is no time for me. Everyone else takes priority. This makes it hard to enjoy my life.

I'm grieving the life I wanted
I'm struggling to let go of a past relationship. I'm stuck on the romantic notion of what could have been, when in fact reality shows me that my ex is not good for me. It's draining me emotionally and I'm lost in the chaos of it all.
I've lost my confidence and resilience
I am not the same person that I used to be. I can't handle life's ups and downs and so I have created a very small comfort zone around me. I've withdrawn from friends and get anxious if I have to show up anywhere.
My sleep, diet and lifestyle have all been compromised
I can't seem to pull myself out of this slump after an incident that happened, a traumatic event that I'm coping with, but it has taken over me and my life. I have no energy for myself anymore.
I'm scared I've done the wrong thing
Constantly second guessing myself. Feeling like I'm going to be in trouble for something. I beat myself up over the tiniest of things. It's like I can't make a mistake without feeling terrible about myself. When someone does mention something, I get defensive and angry.
My relationship with alcohol is bad
I know the life I do want to live, but I keep turning to alcohol. I'm always fighting with myself about it. I don't want to be controlled by it anymore. I use the excuse of a crap day to have a drink. I've put on weight, i feel sluggish and disengaged from the life I really want to live for myself.
I think there is something wrong with me
I've struggled with relationships. The relationship with my parents is strained. I struggle to belong. I am overlooked and I feel like I'm not important. The common denominator is me, so there must be something wrong with me.
I have chronic Insomnia
I feel drained most days. I climb a mountain with my energy reserves every day. I have tried so many things to help me sleep and nothing has seemingly stuck or helped me with nay great success. There is something that is stopping me from sleeping.
I have a fear of being a fraud
Even though I have the university degrees and my colleagues and managers all acknowledge my work, something within me feels like I'm not good enough and I'm making it up. Logically, I can even tell myself that I'm experienced, my emotions tell me otherwise. My inner critic doesn't let me be free.
Count me in!
Imagine going through a breakup, changing your behaviours, clearing out anxiety or anything that you're seeking help with, with a therapist (me :-), in your back pocket! Someone that you can work through your stuff within your own time and can catch you when you get the wobbles.
Thats what the Inner Quest is all about. Supporting you with what comes up for you in your process and guiding you to know what to do with it all.
It's a high touch point program, with a library full of resources to support you along your quest.
The finer details of the service are explained below

One on One Sessions
FORTY one on one, powerful and transformative sessions done online or in person if you are local and thats your preference. During this time, you will process emotions, rebuild yourself from the inside out, create new beliefs and get intimate with your psyche's messages.
Library of Resources
Along your Inner Quest you will gather a library full of hypnotherapy audios, both customised and tried and tested. Meditations and activations. There will be videos and external resources that I will share with you. cheat sheets and PDF's. These will all be yours to keep forever. Something that you'll continue to utilise long after the program has finished with me.
A Shit ton of Support
The two of us will connect on Voxer (a walkie talkie app) where you can communicate about what's coming up for you in between sessions. I use Voxer to give you uplifting, motivating, insiring and thought provoking messages each day of your 1 year journey. This little support piece is invaluable!!
If you're on social media, we will connect on Instagram, and you will be added to my best friends list. This is an opportunity to get content that I don't share with everyone. More personal content that will be based around the work that we do together. I use it to demonstarte my deconditioning processa and connecting with my Human Design expereiment and an inside look at my family and what I notice plays out in their HD. This then supports you to see the energies at play for yourself and your loved ones.
Monthly Group Calls
Once a month you have the opportunity to meet with other Inner Quest clients that are also in their own process. Coming together to witness, support and encourage eachother. This is optional, at no extra cost to the program. ​
You get this extra support, because I care about your process, and I am invested in giving you the resources that will support you get the best out of our work together.
Radical self-acceptance and love
You don't have to change one thing about who you are. This is about discovering your beautiful self. Advocating fer her. falling in love with her and protecting her.
I gently guide you to face your wounds, I support you to smile with love onto these parts that have been rejected and thrown out. Bring them in close. When we can do this well, you will discover your internal resources that have been there all along. We celebrate your uniqueness and give you the courage to live the life you have always dreamt of living.
There is nothing wrong with you. Hard things have happened to you and now you need to heal and grow from them. This program will indeed move you on from your stuck-ness into freedom.

Imagine how much Joy and love you could be experiencing if you leaned into this guidance I'm offering you!
What if there was a tried and tested way to unlock your self-love, so you can have the juiciest life?
A way to make life feel easier and fun for you. Improving your relationships and deepening your connection with self.
What if you could live life according to your heart's desires. Not boxed in by society or your parents or past relationships.
A compass that shows you clearly where to tread that makes you feel satisfied beyond belief.
Which makes you more magnetic and irresistible to all the things you want to manifest into your life?
What if you could unlock your full potential?

Have deeper, stronger relationships - Be calm and present in community with another person. Know your worth and boundaries. be able to give from an abundant source of love and receive all the love that comes back to you.
Stop the limiting negative thoughts and feel free to be you - You'll be surprised at how quickly you are able to master your mindset with a little focus and healing. Be conscious of your thoughts and be able to not take them so seriously. Unleashing your creativity uniqueness, will create an abundance of joy.
Design Your life, your way - Live your life your way. Do what feels right for you. Have the best time even on Mondays. Plus understand what makes you tick and thrive and incorporate these things into your life EVERY. DAMN. DAY!