It’s Mental Health Awareness month! the challenge or focus this year, is doing ra
ndom acts of kindness!
I want to put a swing on things…………Lets celebrate by also doing Random Acts of SELF kindness.
Showing yourself kindness could include:
– Giving yourself positive affirmation for the day. Writing it on your bathroom mirror
– Writing yourself a letter, of gratitude for all that you do for yourself. You thanking you for being you
– Spending 5 minutes of the day hugging yourself. It releases that lovely hormone oxytocin
– Have a screen free evening. Swap candy crush for a game of Pictionary with the family
– Express yourself through your clothes, hair, skin, accessories. Dress to impress you only
– When you look in the mirror remind yourself of what your body has done for you. Birthed babies, climbed mountains, ran a marathon, provided comfort to friends and family
I want you all to join in on the fun….let me know some more random acts of self kindness, that you do for yourself or would like to do.
I’m going to start documenting my daily random acts of self kindness, so as to hopefully motivate you all to join in. Also I’m hash tagging my kindness on Instagram. #randomactofselfkindness
Lots of juicy courageous love to all. xxx