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Writer's picture: Lucy EllisLucy Ellis

After a wonderful holiday with my family, my office is open for 2013, and my blog posts can continue. I am treading firm and confidently into 2013, but instead of the usual desperation of things to change and ideas to be implemented. I have a wiser outlook and know it’s all in the process, and I am enjoying this new perspective.

Anyway enough about me!

This blog post is actually a continuation of the last post I wrote before Christmas. This post was about keeping in check with your stress levels and how to keep the stress down. Remember the glass half empty analogy??

So what happens when that Stress glass gets so full that it overflows?? It results in anxiety!

Anxiety is akin to fear, the world seems scary, it is daily uneasiness, apprehension or fearful feeling. This feeling attacks your body it can happen in the pit of your tummy, or cause chest pain or make your limbs feel like jelly. In your mind it is like a daily nightmare, where the worst case scenarios are played over and over on repeat, and each time it is played the  scenario becomes scarier and scarier.

If you imagine a continual stream of liquid running into this glass and what it looks like when it is overflowing. The liquid inside the glass starts to move quite rapidly, causing bubbles, and the liquid runs down the outside of the glass maybe even causing the liquid to splatter out like tiny fireworks, and the mess outside of the glass is well exactly that a mess!

This fits in perfectly with what happens inside our minds and our bodies when we experience anxiety. Everything is moving quickly and sporadically  it feels messy and confusing and you just want it to stop. You just want to scream “Somebody turn the tap off”!

After an anxious attack, you can feel exceptionally tired and run down, if it is new to you, you might be in shock, and finding it very hard to understand. This left untreated can be so dangerous to your mental health. It can result in all sorts of mental illnesses one being depression.

So what can I do about it? Usually people who have reached this level of anxiety feel completely lost, lack motivation and struggle to make easy decisions  This is a clear understanding of the damage the anxiety has done to their mental health.So telling you to go and exercise or find time for yourself is not the best advice. Because a simple activity can be sooo stressful or confusing.

What you need is support, and whether you get it from your family or friends or a therapist is not important. Although there are some better listeners then others, so choose wisely who you open up to. What is important is talking. When we talk we release. The tap turns off and the water settles, there might still be mess, but after opening up it will feel quite for a while. Because anxiety leaves you feeling confused and it may feel like you are literally losing your mind, the hardest thing might be to open up to someone.

I promise you it is your initial answer to starting your recovery from anxiety. Just talk, let it all come out. If you find yourself starting to cry, then let yourself cry. Don’t stop talking so you can stop the tears. Let the tears roll down your cheeks as you keep talking. Crying and talking are both therapeutic. It’s a release it’s healthy it’s good for you!

There are other ways too that you can release and turn that tap off. Any form of creative expression is a wonderful release and it also helps us to understand what we are going through more. Writing a poem may allow us to make sense of our feelings, painting can help us get a picture of what we are going through. Writing in a journal helps us to understand and connect withourselves.

This anxiety that I talk of is your classic generalized anxiety. There are other forms of anxiety which can be linked to Phobias, that are completely different and need to be treated differently.

Ultimately what is needed for full recovery from anxiety is professional help. Hypnotherapy works wonders for people suffering with an overflowing stress glass. Through hypnosis you can learn to control your calm levels. You can quickly and easily allow yourself to feel calm and capable whenever the situation arises.

Hypnosis is great for releasing feelings and thoughts associated with being anxious.

If we think back to the glass analogy  The mess that has spill’t from the glass can be signified as lifestyle symptoms such as; increased intake of drugs or alcohol, insomnia, social isolation, constant headaches. difficulty concentrating, low memory, in completion of tasks. Through hypnosis we can also delete or improve these lifestyle choices so as to wipe down the bench and clean the mess up, this really helps to keep you in control of your life and prevent the anxiety from being prolonged or coming back!!!

Once someone suffering with anxiety can start to get a feeling of  control back then, we know we are on the road to recovery. I like to equip my clients with tools, tricks and tips on how to keep that glass half empty.

My next post will cover what happens when anxiety doesn’t get the help it is needed.

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Lucy Ellis Online Therapist specialising in hypnotherapy, dream therapy and family constellations
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0424 599 264

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A Blue Fairy Design Solution

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